About us

Grupo Industrial C&C was founded in 1922, with its stockholders’ equity totally comprised by Argentine capitals. Its 70 acres’ industrial facilities are located in Pilar, at about 30 miles from the City of Buenos Aires, with a covered surface of 6 acres.

Nowadays, the group is formed by two companies: Sotyl S.A. and Oxido Metal S.A.

The companies currently comprising Grupo Industrial C&C share their main values: Quality, Research and Product Development according to the market needs.

Sotyl S.A. is leader in copper -and its alloys- casting and rolling; besides, it is the local main manufacturer of straps made of phosphorous bronze, alpaca and special alloys.

Oxido Metal S.A. is the major producer of zinc oxide, zamac and other zinc and aluminium alloys.

Grupo Industrial C&C gives priority to all issues related to environmental care, energy sources preservation, human resources development and contributions to the local community. To comply with the above, the group developed continuous improvement programs that involve all levels within the organization.

Its permanent technological update, financial strength and human resources excellence permitted Grupo Industrial C&C to afford and succeed the successive crisis that affected our country’s industrial sector and to maintain a business conduct in line with its principles and its unbreakable industrial base.